• Children’s Dream Fund

    • yume
    • The Children’s Dream Fund was established in April 2001 by the Parliamentary League to Consider the Future of Children, formed by nonpartisan national assembly members of both houses based on their desire to establish a meaningful fund for the future of young people.
      To promote the healthy development of the next generation,with all their dreams and responsibilities for the future, the fund supports private organization projects such as nature camps, science experiment classes, and other experiential learning activities, reading activities such as a picture book reading, and development and promotion of children’s textbooks.

    1. Subsidizing Projects

    • (1) Subsidized Activities
      1) Experiential learning activities for young people
      -Nature experiences such as camps and nature observation
      -Scientific experiences such as science experiment classes
      -Cleanups and other social volunteer experiences
      -Internship at local shopping areas and in agriculture and fisheries
      -Exchange activities through culture, arts, sports, etc.
      2) Book readings for young people
      -Readings, reading circle activity, etc.
      3) Development and promotion of children’s textbooks
      -Development and promotion of digital textbooks capable of being used online, etc.

    • (2) Subsidized Organizations
      Private organizations working on youth education activities, such as a general incorporated
      foundations, general corporations, specified nonprofits, and non-corporate local groups
      -Private groups such as clubs that run youth education activities

    2. Awareness-Raising Activities

    We are conducting awareness-raising activities to promote children’s experiential learning activities and reading activities.